How to perform Vertical and Horizontal swipe in Appium?[ Up to date: java-client 6.x.x ] In Android application Automation, sometimes we need to scroll up/down and swipe left/right, in this tutorial I'm trying to show how to perform them. 1. For vertical swiping use below method public static void swipeVertical(AppiumDriver driver, double startPercentage, double finalPercentage, double anchorPercentage, int duration) throws Exception { Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); int anchor = ( int ) (size. width * anchorPercentage); int startPoint = ( int ) (size. height * startPercentage); int endPoint = ( int ) (size. height * finalPercentage); new TouchAction(driver).press(PointOption. point (anchor, startPoint)).waitAction(WaitOptions. waitOptions (Duration. ofMillis (duration))).moveTo(PointOption. point (anchor, endPoint)).release().perform(); } and call the above method like below Scroll up: swipeVertical ((AppiumDriver) dri...